Spectralmind closed the company and open-sourced all software

Dear all,

After ramping down development already in 2013, Spectralmind now fully closed the company and stopped all operations.

We hugely thank the entire former team of Spectralmind, all collaborators and partners and generally all people who have given us the trust and interest over all these years for the good times we had together!

This was an exciting journey! As exciting as the music domain always has been, is and ever will be! :-) Good luck to all the other exciting and adventurous music companies out there!

And yes, there is good news: We open-sourced almost our entire software stack, from spectral audio analysis and audio-based music similarity to all our music discovery apps! Try it, hack it, make it better!


All the best,
Thomas Lidy, Ewald Peiszer, Johann Waldherr
former CEO, CTO and BizDev of Spectralmind